Monday, August 23, 2004

Comedy off the Cuff...

Well I went to my first live improv show tonight... It was at the Hot Rod Grille in Henderson. The improv group was pretty good... you could tell that a lot of the performers are pretty new to the improv game but they still put on a show with lots of laughs. I felt like I was holding back the whole night cause I really wanted to get up there and participate as well. I gotta get over my damn introvertedness... I know most of it is just my own damn unhappiness with the way I look. Its ok, when you are making people laugh they forget about your flaws and focus on your funny :) This one woman who I have been talking to a bit online, as she has been studying with Second City here in Vegas. She performed tonight, her name is Micha (pronounced My-kuh), she did a pretty good job out there. I look forward to going to another show. At the end of the show she told me that they end up rotating in and out people a lot so it tends to breakdown a bit of the cohesiveness of the group. I am sure they are going to get better. I thought they were pretty damn good already. Well anyway... after tonight I still wanna get up on that stage and perform... so I am definatly still on the laugh track. Oh and Micha's blog is here,


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