Wednesday, August 25, 2004

people watching...

The other day I was at the Palms having a drink with a friend and we were just watching people at the Blackjack tables. Some of the people and their reactions... just for some reason didn't fit Blackjack. Maybe I fail to see the true excitment in blackjack... but I guess anything where you are winning money can get you excited. But anyway it got me thinking about this character I can do when I start doing my "act". Hopefully it will go over well... I know I was busting up thinking about the possiblities of this character. I would spoil the details and just give it away but ya know I don't want someone else to start doing it before I get a chance too... I don't need people stealing my act before I even have my act all together. Anyway there is a little hint in this post but nothing too obvious. Trevor, you know what I am talking about... remember the blonde haired guys at the table... ;)


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